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Robotic parking: you don't have to know how to park!

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When purchasing or renting a parking place in a robotic parking system, you can forget about how to properly park and not think about the size of the parking space. "Why?" - you ask.

mutrade parking easy parking automated parking

Because all that is needed is to drive in front of the receiving box until the wheels stop, and then the robotic parking system will do everything by itself!

Let's figure out how the process of parking and issuing a car takes place.

A driver drives up to the parking gate, a special electronic tag is read from his card - this is how the system understands in which cell it is necessary to park the car. Next, the gate opens, a user drives into the reception box and then gets out of the car and confirms the start of unmanned parking of the car into the storage cell on the control panel. The system parks the car in a fully automatic mode with the help of technological equipment. First, the car is centered (i.e., no special parking skills are needed to park the car evenly in the receiving box, the system will do it itself), and then it is delivered to the storage cell with the help of a robot and a special car elevator.

automated parking system entrance




The same goes for the retrieving a car. The user approaches the control panel and brings the IC card to the reader. The smart PLC  system determines the specified parking space cell and performs platform/pallet actions according to the established algorithm for issuing the car to the receiving box. At the same time, in the process of issuing a car, the car turns around with the help of special mechanisms (turning table) and is fed into the receiving box in front of it to leave the parking lot. The user enters the reception box, starts the car and leaves. And this means that you do not need to drive backwards onto the roadway and experience difficulties with maneuvering when leaving the parking lot!


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We develop, design and manufacture mechanical parking equipment with our own advanced technology and kept consistent high quality.
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